Exceptional FUndraising events

Organizations like AFC that leverage the skills and talents of volunteers can have a profound impact on their communities. By focusing on improving people’s lives, they can provide support in various areas such as education, health, mentorship, and emotional well-being.

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AFC Focus Areas


Funding Youth Programs

AFC Works. A group of business owners working together for the common cause of using their unique talents to provide services that raise funds to establish and operate youth programs that promote positive behaviors in high school students.


Who do we help?

Any youth organization that has good is in good standing with the community, organized and has a track record of change. If your organization is requesting an AFC fundraiser please be aware that your organization must have at least 160 volunteer hours to be considered.


How do we help?

We will work with accepted youth groups to successfully plan, organize, promote, market and execute excellent fundraising events. We’ll use AFC funds to invest in youth group fundraising events.


Who do we target?

  • AFC believes it is important to develop relationships with the community while we develop programs within the community. We will market our fundraisers to the communities we fundraise in.


What happens to the money we raise?

Youth groups will not be required to invest any funds. 67% of all funds raised will be paid directly to the youth group and 33% will be retained for future fundraising for other groups.


Financial Planning

AFC will work with each youth group to create a personalized plan to help each group achieve it’s financial goals. Together we can accomplish all goals.

Join and Support AFC’s first fundraising event.

Support meaningful community initiatives and social causes. Engage in life-changing projects led by passionate volunteers.

Come, Experience Unforgettable Cuisine, Fun and Entertainment.

Experience exquisite food and fun at any fundraising event AFC host. Our volunteers are well rounded in varies areas of food and entertainment.


Families supported


Volunteers engaged


Community initiatives


Outreach programs


My experiences with AFC/Chef Jimmy Dillard have been awesome. The food was delicious, the entertainment was excellent, the service was superb, and the money that was raised helped us provide resources for my special needs group. Highly recommend AFC for fundraising differently. Their efforts made a difference in the lives of many children.”

L. Nolan



Frequently Asked Questions

How can we give?

Now, until December 31st AFC will be selling tickets to its 24-hour fish fry fundraiser. You can purchase tickets online at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/1084588847439?aff=oddtdtcreator

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